Monday, March 5, 2012

Capitol Cravings

            March 23rd is the designated day set for the Hunger Games movie to finally premier. We don't know about you guys, but we're totally stoked for this! Not only are we excited to see the movies because we're lovers of the books, but we're also interested in the fashion they're putting into the movie. How are they going to incorporate fashion today to fashion in the future?
           Effie Trinket plays a huge roll in the Hunger Games by acting as Katniss and Peeta's agent. She manages their time, over-looks their clothing and works out the details of their new lives. It's not hard to tell that Effie Trinket enjoys bright pastels, which are undoubtedly in this year. Though some of us may be wary to try pastels, brave fashion designers seem to be urging us to give it a try.
 As you can see from the picture on the left, Effie is as into pastels as Louis Vuitton. The light pinks and yellows are exactly what are springing into Spring 2012. Not only are Louis and Effie into pastels, but Mulberry is also diving into pastels for their Spring collection.
      Feeling like pastels this Spring? Us too! So, here are some simple and easy tips to help you get started.

  1. Pastels can be crazy, so let's start small. Getting a pair of pastel colored flats are a great start. Also painting your nails a pastel color (which can be painted with Capitol Colours, specifically designed for the Hunger Games).
  2. Feeling confident? Great! Then put on a nice pastel sweater or jacket. One small thing can make a world of differences.
  3. Ready to go big or go home? Deck yourself out in a pastel shirt, skirt, shorts or pants. It's all or nothing if you're ready to take a big leap. Just remember, we're aiming for cute, not Easter. 
Good luck on finding great pastels, and go see the Hunger Games in theaters on March 23rd to watch Effie Trinket and her beautiful colors make their electrifying appearance. 

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