Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Access to Accessories

Bright and Bold
Match Like This
Accessories are a really fun thing to play with. The items that are considered accessories are: jewelry, scarves, hats, sunglasses and belts - even purses are sometimes considered accessories. Accessories can be wild; they don't have to match exactly what you're wearing; they're the one thing (besides shoes and purses) that doesn't have to look totally coordinated. If you are going bright and bold then be playful and do the same with you accessories. Being bright is energetic. Although darker jewelry and accessories are good and sometimes what the outfit needs, don't be afraid to jump into brighter more outstanding items. If you are going with the winter style than do the same as with bright and bold; you want your jewelry to stand out, not fall in. Match the outfit to the right extent. If you are wearing a black dress don't wear all black jewelry; you don't want things to get lost. When it comes to scarves, hats,and belts its a bit different then with jewelry. Although the belts don't always have to match the scarves and hats do while at the same time they don't. Sticking to a black or toned down hat is the best way to go so that it looks cute but doesn't take away from our outfit. But if you are wearing a less colorful outfit, don't be afraid to dress it up with brighter hats. Scarves are mutually the same.  Mix it up. If you're wearing a blander outfit, dazzle it up with a bright scarf and if you're wearing a dazzling outfit, bland it out with a simple scarf. Sunglasses should normally consist of neutral colors if you're feeling really confident then you can go big and bright, but we like to stay within safe but sultry boundaries. With these few tips you will bring your outfit to the perfect tee.

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